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+36 30 2222 777
1124 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 52.

If you are one of those, who have experienced bleeding during brushing, read on and get to know the causes. Find out why it is dangerous, and what the solution is. It is easier than you may think...

It is not enough to have healthy teeth; also your supporting structures have to be healthy. Similarly to the building of a house, everything starts with proper grounding. The most important are the structures that support the teeth. Injury, inflammation, or bleeding of the gum may lead to more serious issues, resulting in excursion, or later, tooth loss. Here also, as in every field, prevention is the most important, from the right brushing technique to the regular dental check-ups. Please, take the health of your gum seriously.  If you experience permanent or regular pain, inflammation or bleeding, contact us, and we teach you the right brushing technique as well.

Booking form

In order for us to be able to offer you the best possible appointment, please fill out the form below or call us on +36 30 2222 777 during working hours. Our reception will contact you shortly.

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phone +36 30 2222 777 mail location 1124 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 52.
Monday 8-16 óra
Tuesday 8-16 óra
Wednesday 8-16 óra
Thursday 8-16 óra
Friday 9-13 óra
Saturday emergency duty
Sunday emergency duty

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