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+36 30 2222 777
1124 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 52.

By accepting and signing the treatment plan compiled personally for you, you claim your willingness to undergo the included inventions. The services provided by DENTUS always meet the highest requirements, and their prices are not prominently high. The completed treatment sequences (filling is ready, crown is cemented, etc.) are billed separately: Your pay obligation always concerns the price of current completed treatment and the dental procedures you ordered only. You are allowed to intermit or pause the realisation of the treatment plan any time you wish. The present pricelist is valid before indicated date.

Before interventions requiring bigger dental prosthetic laboratory procedure, we ask for a deposit, the rate of which is always based on customised calculation.

In our dental office you can choose any of the following paying methods: cash or credit card.

Booking form

In order for us to be able to offer you the best possible appointment, please fill out the form below or call us on +36 30 2222 777 during working hours. Our reception will contact you shortly.

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phone +36 30 2222 777 mail location 1124 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 52.
Monday 8-16 óra
Tuesday 8-16 óra
Wednesday 8-16 óra
Thursday 8-16 óra
Friday 9-13 óra
Saturday emergency duty
Sunday emergency duty

Request a date

© Copyright DENTUS Magyarország Kft. Budapest, Hungary. All rights reserved. Texts, pictures, graphics, sound, animation and video and their arrangement on DENTUS websites are protected by copyright and other protection laws.
The contents of this website may not be copied, distributed, changed or made available to third parties for commercial purposes.

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